
Separation can be the primary solution for optimal management of your waste. After dividing the solid and liquid fractions of organic substrates, the possibilities for additional processes and improvements are countless. The solid part resulting from this separation can be, for example, matured and used as base compost for cattle bedding or substrate, while the liquid portion can be used as biofertilizers in crops or treated for conscious reuse of this resource. This process generates savings, promotes infinite possibilities for rural people and also helps to conserve the environment.

AGTO separators

            The AGTO do Brasil Separator was manufactured with a focus on quality, robustness and greater performance, used for all applications where it handles liquids and solids in suspension. It covers a huge range of applications, from farms and biogas generation plants to the food, meatpacking, plastics and wood industries.

            In practice, it consists of processing dry and wet material levels with high yield, reducing costs, in addition to eliminating the risks of non-compliance with current laws.

            These were the concepts used to develop the AGTO do Brasil Separator: performance studies to determine a unique and effective design together with the choice of assertive materials for the construction of its components, making a product with a high standard of quality and durability.

Find the ideal model

Separator – SSA260

AGTO solid separator

Field of use: Agricultural, Biogas and Industry
Separator – SSA520

AGTO solid separator

Field of use: Agricultural, Biogas and Industry
Separator – SSA780

AGTO solid separator

Field of use: Agricultural, Biogas and Industry

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