IV Pig Farming Development Forum

The South Matogrossense Association of Pig Farmers – ASUMAS, with the intention of consolidating the entity's operations and strengthening partnerships, will hold on May 14, 2024, the 6th MS Pig Farming Development Forum, at the Dourados Exhibition Park, with the expectation of bringing together around 1,000 participants including producers, technicians and businesspeople in the sector.

The Forum is in its 6th edition, already consolidated as the largest Pig Farming event in the Central-West, held in the city of Dourados/MS, being an excellent opportunity for participants, speakers and exhibitors to expand their network of contacts and exchange experiences.

In addition to the exhibition of products and services, the next edition of the event will feature lectures, round tables and success stories, in which topics related to New Technologies, Sustainability, Management, Profitability, Leadership, Public Policies and the Role of Women in Pig Farming will be discussed. .

Your participation is very important for the 6th MS Pig Farming Development Forum to be a successful event and achieve the objective of exchanging experiences and knowledge!

We count on your participation

Agroleite 2024

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