Ceará: dairy farming accumulates growth of almost 63%

Dairy farming in Ceará managed to accumulate growth of almost 63% in production between 2015 and 2019, going from 489.3 million to 797.4 million liters per year, according to IBGE data. And it now has the possibility of advancing at a faster pace, considering the recent above-average rainfall; the consolidation of a […]

Today's calf is tomorrow's cow

Calf is like a child. Have you ever tried visiting a daycare? There are always children with a runny nose, fever, coughing, illness… On average, for 155 days a year, a child presents some of these symptoms. It is impressive how co-breeding is responsible for the transmission of diseases. Imagine what happens when calves are raised in humid environments, with excessive […]

Raphno: alternative to feed cattle during drought in the NZ summer

In the New Zealand dairy production system, efficiency and low cost are sought, through strategies that optimize the use of pasture and irrigation, which, working in harmony, guarantee constant pasture growth, leaving the producer less dependent and vulnerable. the use of supplements, which reduce the activity's profit margin. […]

Use of waste: composting.

Composting is another low-cost option. It is a biological digestion process, which can be aerobic (with the presence of oxygen), anaerobic (with the absence of oxygen) or mixed. The product humus is generated from the waste, an organic fertilizer of high agricultural and commercial value. Carried out by the aerobic process, composting is faster and […]

Use of waste: manure pits for storing cattle waste is a low-cost alternative

The intensification of dairy activity has brought with it the production of large quantities of waste which, due to the lack of treatment and adequate management, becomes a source of pollution for water sources, soil and the atmosphere. Environmental damage is incalculable and is increasingly highlighted in the media. This is not just an environmental problem, but […]

5 tips to improve early lactation performance and peak milk production

Start cows with a successful dry period. Research shows that nutrition and dry period management affect health and performance after birth. Therefore, evaluate your dry cow program if you are not satisfied with the performance of your dairy cows. The main objectives for dry cows include: maintaining intake […]

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