Environmental management in dairy farming

According to the Portuguese language dictionary, the word management has the following definition in the zootechnical area: the act of subjecting animals to feeding, treatment and hygiene care, in order to make them tame, clean and healthy. Considering that the environmental management of a production system and rural property also contributes to keeping animals in […]

Waste from milk production: quantity and quality

The correct management of waste and waste in milk production is essential for the proper functioning of the property, bringing economic benefits to the producer in addition to reducing the environmental impact. In Part 7 of our series it was defined that waste management in milk production is the daily use of knowledge, practices and technologies that reduce the environmental impact of the activity and […]

Compost Barn, what no one tells you before building

Nothing worse than feeling deceived. When you are “up to your neck in mud” everyone encourages you to build, but after the shed is ready all you have to do is tell you: “Whoever gave birth to Mateus, let him pack it”. You know it will work, but you know that information is worth gold, now you know it firsthand. Here I will play […]

Milking Carousel? Get to know everything about this subject!

Much is said about efficiency in milk production and, whenever this subject comes up, the type of milking equipment is an important aspect in obtaining it. Despite being one of the oldest piped milking equipment ever invented, the Milking Carousel or the equipment known at DeLaval as the Roundabout still intrigues some milk producers and consultants at […]

How many milk producers do we want to have in Brazil?

According to the 2017 Agricultural Census, recently released by IBGE, the number of properties that produced cow's milk in Brazil totaled 1,176,295 in 2017, and was 13% lower than that presented by the Agricultural Census carried out in 2006, which totaled 1,350. 809 establishments. Thus, during this 11-year period, approximately 175 thousand properties closed their doors, […]

Cattle waste: more than a problem, an opportunity!

The intensification of livestock farming, that is, the concentration of animals, both for milk production and for meat production, generated a problem: a greater accumulation of production waste. Manure, urine, leftover animal feed and bedding can pose a problem if the producer does not know how to manage it. In […]

Free Stall- 8 Important Tips

Providing a dry, comfortable resting area for dairy cattle is essential to their health, well-being and performance. Cows typically rest 10 to 14 hours a day in five or more rest periods. Well-designed and managed dairy cow free stalls can reduce excessive standing, allow rumination […]

Compost barn: what it is and what its advantages are

Compost barn: what it is and what are its advantages The compost barn is an installation system that consists of a large covered physical space for cows to rest, covered with sawdust, wood cutting leftovers and composted manure. The main objective is to guarantee the animals comfort and a dry place to stay and […]

What is the value of cattle confinement manure?

Much is said about the devaluation of the arroba and, therefore, the low profitability of Brazilian beef cattle farming. A major villain in this story is the growing increase in production costs. However, few producers see that this cost increase is not temporary and, unlike the vast majority […]

Record exports and a recovering domestic market put upward pressure on pork prices

Record exports and a recovering domestic market put upward pressure on pork prices In the foreign market, possible embargoes should not impact the pace of meat shipments in general. Soybean exports can reach high volumes, which draws attention to the domestic market. When analyzing the current scenario of the pig market, it is clear that signs […]

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